Divorce Mediation can help you…
… minimize the cost & stress of your divorce
… focus on your children’s well-being
… resolve issues quickly in a constructive manner
So you can move on with your life!
There are many reasons why more and more people are using divorce mediation, rather than going to court, including the control that the clients maintain over their divorce, the well-being of the children and lower stress levels associated with avoiding an adversarial court battle. The bottom line is that people want to get through the divorce process as quickly and inexpensively as possible and in most cases it is in the client’s best interest to engage in the constructive, effective process of mediation to resolve their divorce.
Divorce mediation allows the parties to deal with their issues in a productive, flexible and client-centered manner. It also saves money, time and energy that will all be needed to create two households out of one. And a successful mediation can also help the parents develop the healthy co-parenting relationship their children will need going forward.
By focusing on what is best for the client and their children in the long run, the mediator helps each party move past the negative emotions and finger-pointing common in divorce. Instead, the clients learn constructive ways to address their issues, generate options and create a mutually acceptable agreement. The entire process is confidential and the participants make all the decisions and maintain full control over the outcome (no agreement is reached unless both parties agree).
The issues that need to be addressed during a divorce are often complex and highly-charged. Yet with the right balance of structure, effective communication (facilitated by the mediator) and mutually beneficial compromise, couples can navigate this difficult period with a minimum of discomfort and disruption.