Come join us for this casual get-together of therapists to socialize & support each other in the challenging work we do – with real live people, not via Zoom!
No agendas, no presentations, not even an RSVP necessary (just show up – and feel free to bring friends as all are welcome) – just lots of therapists getting together to share, laugh & celebrate/commiserate about the joys & challenges of being a therapist!
Those who have joined us previously know how much FUN we have at these very lively get-togethers so come reconnect with friends & colleagues you haven’t seen in a while as well as meeting some new folks.
As a THANK YOU to all my therapist friends and colleagues, Davis Mediation will be picking up the tab for all the appetizers – all you need to cover are your drinks (there will be a cash basket and my Venmo is barrydavis22).
We have these parties twice yearly – every spring & fall and generally in April & October – on a Friday from 4 PM to 7 PM. We post details about each upcoming party a couple months in advance on the following Facebook therapist groups:
Barry Davis started these parties in November 2022 for two primary reasons:
- To create an opportunity for therapists to support each other through listening, laughing & having fun together.
- As a big THANK YOU to all of his therapist friends & colleagues that have supported his divorce mediation practice for over two decades.