“You deserve great credit for keeping this mediation afloat – it simply would not have settled without your efforts!” — California State Deputy Attorney General More Client Comments

Offering Cross-Cultural Divorce Mediation for Couples


Having traveled to over 30 countries throughout Asia, Africa and Latin America as well as conducting conflict management workshops in cultures as diverse as Thailand and Kenya, Barry has a great appreciation for the diverse perspectives, lifestyles and worldviews inherent in other cultures. He has seen first-hand the value of different viewpoints and approaches when it comes to working with people going through difficult experiences such as divorce. He brings this understanding to every divorce mediation, but especially to those involving individuals with a different cultural background.


In addition, having counseled and mediated with individuals from a very broad range of cultures, religious backgrounds and ethnicities, Barry has a very practical understanding of what it takes to work through these differences towards a common understanding. He is familiar with approaches and techniques that help the parties explore their issues in a constructive manner and then work with the different philosophies, perspectives and approaches to get to resolution.

The bottom line is that every individual has different concerns, perspectives and needs (especially in a multi-cultural melting pot such as Los Angeles) and therefore every mediation needs to be tailored to the specific issues of the participants. Whether these differences are subtle or more obvious, Barry will work with you to identify and address your individual needs and help both parties construct an agreement that you can live with.

Barry teaching conflict management techniques in Kenya
Barry teaching conflict management techniques in Kenya